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Class 1A Schedules Return to Schedules Schedules  6A  5A  4A  3A  2A  Priv 11M  Priv 6M

  Schedules with an X to the left of each team have been confirmed and updated in the system.
Make sure to refresh any updated pages to the get the most updated page.

X Abbott X Eden X Lohn X Roby
X Ackerly Sands X Evant X Lometa X Rochelle
X Afton Patton Springs X Follett X Loop X Roscoe Highland
X Amherst X Forestburg - updated X Loraine X Rotan
X Anton X Fort Davis X Lorenzo X Rule
X Apple Springs X Garden City X Lueders-Avoca X Runge
X Aquilla X Gholson X Marfa X Saint Jo
X Aspermont X Gilmer Union Hill X May X Sanderson
X Avalon X Gordon X McLean X Santa Anna
X Baird X Gorman X Meadow X Savoy
X Balmorhea X Grandfalls-Royalty X Medina X Sidney
X Benavides X Groom X Menard X Sierra Blanca
X Benjamin X Gustine X Miami X Silverton
X Blackwell X Guthrie X Milford X Southland
X Blanket X Happy X Moran X Springlake-Earth
X Bluff Dale X Harrold X Morgan X Spur
X Blum X Hart X Motley County X Strawn
X Booker X Haskell Paint Creek X Mount Calm X Three Way  - dates, loc, times
X Borden County X Hedley X Mullin X Throckmorton
X Bowie Gold-burg X Hermleigh X Nazareth X Trent
X Boys Ranch X High Island X Newcastle X Trinidad
X Bronte X Imperial Buena Vista X Nueces Canyon X Turkey Valley
X Brookesmith X Ira X Oakwood X Valera Panther Creek
X Bryson X Iredell X O'Donnell X Veribest
X Buckholts X Irion County X Oglesby X Vernon Northside
X Burkeville X Jayton X Olfen X Walnut Springs - need times
X Bynum X Jonesboro X Paducah X Water Valley
X Calvert X Knippa X Paint Rock X Welch Dawson
X Campbell X Knox City X Pawnee - need times X Wellman-Union
X Cherokee X Kopperl X Penelope X Westbrook
X Chester X Kress X Perrin-Whitt X White Deer
X Chillicothe X Ladonia Fannindel X Petersburg X Whiteface
X Claude X Lamesa Klondike X Prairie Lea X Whitharral
X Coolidge X Lazbuddie X Priddy X Wildorado
X Cotton Center X Leakey X Ranger X Wilson
X Covington X Lefors X Rankin X Woodson
X Cranfills Gap X Lenorah Grady X Richland Springs X Zephyr
X Crowell X Leverett's Chapel X Rising Star    
  Darrouzett - NF in 2024 X Lingleville X Robert Lee