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Private 11M Schedules  Return to Schedules    Schedules  6A  5A  4A  3A  2A  1A  Priv 6M

  Schedules with an X to the left of each team have been confirmed and updated in the system.
Make sure to refresh any updated pages to the get the most updated page.

X Addison Trinity Christian X Dallas Shelton School X Katy Freeman
X Argyle Liberty Christian X Dallas St. Mark's X Katy St. John XXIII
X Arlington Grace Prep X Dallas UME Prep X League City Bay Area Christian   - updated
  Arlington Newman X DasCHE X Lubbock Christian
X Arlington Oakridge X El Paso Cathedral X Lubbock Trinity Christian
X Arlington Pantego Christian X Episcopal School of Dallas X Magnolia Legacy Prep
X Atlas HomeSchool X Flower Mound Coram Deo X McKinney Christian
X Austin Brentwood Christian X Fort Bend Christian - need game 1 X Mercy Culture Prep - need times
X Austin Hill Country X Fort Worth All Saints Episcopal - times X Midland Christian
X Austin HomeSchool X Fort Worth Christian X Muenster Sacred Heart
X Austin Hyde Park Baptist X Fort Worth Country Day X New Braunfels Christian
X Austin LASA X Fort Worth Lake Country   New Braunfels Long Creek
X Austin Regents School X Fort Worth Nolan Catholic X Plano John Paul II
X Austin St. Andrew's X Fort Worth Southwest Christian X SA Texas Military Institute
X Austin St. Dominic Savio X Fort Worth Temple Christian X San Antonio Antonian Prep
X Austin St. Michael's X Fort Worth Trinity Valley X San Antonio Central Catholic
X Beaumont Msgr. Kelly X Founders Classical Academy X San Antonio Christian
X Bellaire Episcopal X Frisco Legacy Christian X San Antonio Cornerstone
X Boerne Geneva School X Grapevine Faith Christian X San Antonio Holy Cross
X Brownsville St. Joseph X Hallettsville Sacred Heart X San Antonio St. Anthony's
X Bryan Brazos Christian X Harlingen Marine Military X Schertz John Paul II
X Bullard Brook Hill X Houston Christian X Shiner St. Paul
X CC John Paul II X Houston Kinkaid   Somerset Academy Collegiate
X CenTex Sports Association   Houston Kipp Academy X Spring Frassati Catholic.pdf
X Colleyville Covenant Christian   Houston Kipp Generations X Temple Central Texas Chr.
X Compass Rose Legacy - TBA   Houston KIPP Northeast X The Woodlands Christian
X Conroe Covenant X Houston KIPP Sunnyside X The Woodlands John Cooper - need times
X Cypress Community Christian X Houston Legacy X Tomball Christian H/School
X Dallas Bishop Dunne X Houston Lutheran South X Tomball Concordia Lutheran
X Dallas Bishop Lynch X Houston Northside HomeSchool X Tomball Rosehill Christian
X Dallas Christian School X Houston ProVision Academy X Tyler All Saints
X Dallas Covenant X Houston Second Baptist X Tyler Grace Community
X Dallas First Baptist Academy   Houston St. Francis X Tyler T. K. Gorman  - updated
X Dallas Greenhill Prep X Houston St. John's X Victoria St. Joseph
X Dallas HSAA X Houston St. Pius X X Waco Live Oak - need times
X Dallas Parish Episcopal X Houston St. Thomas X Waco Reicher - need times
X Dallas Plano Prestonwood X Houston The Village X Willow Park Trinity Christian
    X Irving Cistercian Prep